Quality Checker for Survey Responses

The Quality Checker view is in active development. More quality check features and improvements coming soon.

The Quality Checker view provides a comprehensive overview of each individual response in your experiment, allowing you to review survey answers, detailed status, and a summary table of risk signals. With this information, you can assess response quality and manually include or exclude specific responses in your analysis.

Quality checker view of experiment

Accessing the Quality Checker view

There are multiple ways to access the Quality Checker view of your launched experiment:

  • Via the experiment setting page.
Access the Quality Checker view via experiment setting page
  • Via the Review participants page. You can also click on the icon next to each participant to directly access the Quality Checker view for that specific participant.
Access the Quality Checker view via Review participants page

Viewing only responses used in analysis

The Quality Checker view includes all recorded responses for your experiment, even those automatically filtered out based on automated checks and your response quality management settings, which are labeled with a red cross ❌. To view only the responses used in your analysis, tick the checkbox labeled Viewing only responses used in analysis.

Viewing only responses used in analysis

Reviewing response status

The top-right corner of the Quality checker view displays detailed information about each response, including:

  • Starting time and survey duration.
  • Status: Opened or completed.
  • Risk signals (if detected): Low quality, duplicate IP, duplicate cookie, duplicate GET variable, touch screen.
  • Device type.
  • Browser details.
  • Location signals.
Detailed response status

Manually exclude or include response

To ensure accurate results, you can manually assess the quality of each response and decide whether to include or exclude it from your analysis through one of the following options:

  1. The 👍 or 👎 icon
    You can find these icons below Assessment of quality section. Click the 👍 icon to mark response as high-quality and include it in analysis or the 👎 icon to mark response as low-quality and exclude it from analysis. Using these icons helps train our system for more accurate quality assessments in the future. After assessing a few responses, the system will generate a prompt that allows you to mark the remaining participants as having either good or bad quality responses.
  2. The Exclude button
    Conjointly recommends using the ‘Exclude’ button in the top-right corner to remove responses due to non-quality issues, such as quota fulfilment or ineligibility.
Detailed response status

These options are also available on the Review Participants page.

Alternatively, you can include or exclude respondents from the analysis by uploading a special external variable called CONJOINTLY_ACTION.

Checking risk signals

Underneath the survey answers and response status sections, you will find a summary table of risk signals that displays the details of any detected risk signals, including:

  • Datetime: The exact date and time when the risk signal was detected.
  • Occasion: Indicates when the risk signal was identified:
    • at-start: Signal detected at the beginning of the survey.
    • on-response: Signal detected when saving the response.
    • on-review: Signal detected during automated checks.
  • Signal: The specific type of risk signal identified.
  • Value: The specific value associated with the detected risk signal.
  • Description: A detailed explanation of the risk signal.
Example of a summary table of risk signal

Common survey rule violations and associated risk signals

The table below provides a list of survey rule violations and the specific risk signals triggered when each violation occurs:

Survey rule violationSignal
Participant activates developer’s tooldev-tools-open
Low-quality responses
Short response time
Short answer for a question
Insufficient scrolling on conjoint sets
Short average duration on conjoint sets
Quick answers on conjoint sets
Insufficient mouse movements on conjoint sets
Gibberish characters or keyjamming
Deviation between key presses and text input length
Duplicates of open-ended responses across respondents
Low-quality open-ends detected by the large language model
Responses that appear to be test submissions
Responses that are overly brief, vague, or fail to address the question adequately
Responses that appear to be copied and pasted from other sources
Responses containing nonsensical or gibberish characters
Responses that are relevant and related to the survey question
Duplicate survey submissions
Duplicates by IP
Duplicates by Cookie
Duplicates by GET variable
Location inconsistencies
Differences in country
Differences in timezone
Very large distance by location
Other errors
Wrong device type
Screened-out responses with incorrect itemId
Error while answering conjoint sets
Error while loading image heatmaps

General information and associated signals

The table of risk signals also record the following information:

General variables or informationSignal
Browser environment variablebrowser-environment-variable
Tab switchtab-switches
Answers submitted from JavaScriptmanual_submit
Google Translate detectedgoogle-translate
General device information
Device info languages
Screen width
Screen height
Screen color depth
Screen pixel depth
Screen pixel ratio
Touch screen support
Hardware concurrency
Hardware memory
Hardware platform
Connection type
Browser user agent
Browser app version